Sunday, June 14, 2009

Maple Valley Days Parade

Of the many entires in this years' parade were a group of "garden" tractors. This is what happens when a group of self-proclaimed rednecks have too much time on their hands!

Matt Clayson

One of the uber-cool 2 cylinder tractors in the parade. It's a Farmall C. Dad had a 4-cylinder "Super C" we used on the farm in Whitney, ID when I was a kid.

This is a John "Willys" Deere.

Cole and the pup!

Tahoma High School's band

Clayson volunteered to help out Mr. Palmer by marching in the parade. The band lost a significant amount of members with this year's graduating class.
Emily (in the middle).
Congressman Dave Reichert

The Maple Valley Days parade is always a fun community based parade.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Clayson's Graduation

We were glad to have another one of our kids graduate a few days ago from Tahoma High School.